Making A Complaint.
If you have a complaint relating to your System, its installation or our agreement generally, you can make a complaint to us by:
(a) calling us on our telephone number as set out in your Quote; or
(b) giving us written notice of this, by email or post.
We will handle your complaint in accordance with our standard complaints procedures. If we have volunteered to be bound by the CEC Solar Retailer Code of Conduct, then these procedures will comply with that Code, and with the Australian Standard on Complaints Handling AS ISO 10002-2006.
If you are still not satisfied;
If you are not satisfied with the outcome of your complaint, you can refer the complaint to with the relevant Fair Trading or Consumer Affairs office in your state or territory, as follows:
ACT: Office of Regulatory Services
Phone: (02) 6207 3000
NSW: Fair Trading
Phone: 13 32 20
NT: Consumer Affairs
Phone: 1800 019 319
Qld: Office of Fair Trading
Phone: 13 74 68
SA: Consumer and Business Services
Phone: 13 18 82
Tas: Consumer Affairs and Fair Trading
Phone: 1300 654 499
Vic: Consumer Affairs
Phone: 1300 558 181
WA: Consumer Protection
Phone: 1300 304 054
Contact us to resolve your complaint: